20 Adorable DIY Teacher Gifts for School Season

With the 1st day of school looming in the not-so-distant future, we've rounded up 20 fabulous DIY back-to-school gifts for teachers to start things off with bang. With a wide variety of ideas to choose from (we love the apple mason jar and teacher survival kits!), these ideas offer an easy and inexpensive way to show your gratitude on a budget. Here's to a healthy and happy school year ahead!

With only one day of junior kindergarten left, I feel like I’m coming down from a crazy 9-month high. We’ve experienced so much in such a short time, the most exciting being the move to a new school with only 6 weeks left in the school year, and while I worried that would be all kinds of stressful, it ended up being one of the best decisions we’ve ever made as a family. My daughter has already formed a bunch of new friendships and is really coming out of her shell, and even though I have had a lot on my plate managing the move and getting us settled before renos start on our new home, I’m finally reaching a point where things are starting to calm down and I can be proactive instead of reactive.

And it feels really, really nice.

So after putting our end-of-year teacher gifts by the front door in preparation for tomorrow, I raced up to my office to start researching some good back-to-school gifts for teachers to ensure I’m organized and prepared by the time September hits.

I found heaps of different ideas while I was browsing Pinterest, and since my daughter is old enough to help with each of these DIY projects, they’ll end up making great summer activities on bad weather days when we’ve exhausted all of the ideas in the kids activities books I recently bought (101 Kids Activities That Are the Bestest, Funnest Ever! by Holly Homer and Rachel Miller, The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments by Holly Homer, Rachel Miller, and Jamie Harrington, and 150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids by Asia Citro) to keep us from climbing the walls all summer long .

With the 1st day of school looming in the not-so-distant future, we've rounded up 20 fabulous DIY back-to-school gifts for teachers to start things off with bang. With a wide variety of ideas to choose from (we love the apple mason jar and teacher survival kits!), these ideas offer an easy and inexpensive way to show your gratitude on a budget. Here's to a healthy and happy school year ahead!

Of course, back-to-school teacher gifts aren’t required or necessary, but since a lot of these ideas offer a creative way to provide school supplies to teachers while simultaneously expressing gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work they put into educating our kids, I feel like a little effort can go a long way.

1. Welcome Back Teacher Basket (Your Day. Your Style)

2.Classroom Ruler Burst Teacher Sign (Sugar Bee Crafts)

3. Crayon Pencil Vase (A Pumpkin and a Princess)

4. Pencil Desk Organizer (DecoArt Blog)

5. Teacher Survival Kit (Moms Without Answers)

6. Sharpie Teacher’s Gift (The Suburban Mom)

7. Ruler Planter (HGTV Canada)

8. Chill Pills (Cook Craft Love)

9. Glue Stick Wreath (I Heart Crafty Things)

10. Bright and Remarkable Year Gift Tag (Mother’s Niche)

11. I’m Looking Forward to this Year a Latte (Thirty Handmade Days)

12. Back to School Supply Cake (By Stephanie Lynn)

13. I Get to Bee in Your Class Printable Tag (Happy Home Fairy)

14. Teacher Tote (Handmade Mood)

15. Easy Sharpie Gift (Totally the Bomb)

16. Snickers and Joy (Lil’ Luna)

17. Pencil Vase (Juggling Act Mama)

18. Decorated Hand Sanitizer Bottles (Morena’s Corner)

19. School Tools Gift (Lil’ Luna)

20. Apple Mason Jar (Mason Jar Crafts Love)

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If you liked this collection of back-to-school gifts for teachers, please share it on Pinterest!

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